awareness campaigns

Awareness Campaigns Won’t Save Your Business

In a world full of marketing buzzwords, Awareness Campaigns are a fan favorite. But most really don’t understand what’s entailed in Awareness Marketing and what it’s intended to do.

Awareness Advertising is campaign messaging intended to educate and inform consumers about a brand, product or service. That’s it!

If your goal is to sell a million of whatever-it-is-you-sell, see stock prices rise or outpace the competition in market share, a singular Awareness Campaign can’t do any of those things.

While effective awareness advertising should influence sales, if you’re hoping for an advertising silver bullet to save your business or brand – you’re going to be disappointed. And you’re going to waste a lot of time and money in the process.

At Concept Co. we don’t believe in throwing good money behind a bad product. Awareness Campaigns only work when you have a product people actually want. From there it’s our job to find out who those people are, where to find them and how to create awareness content that captivates them long after they see it.

So, how does Concept Co. build and launch Awareness Campaigns?

We start by exhaustedly researching our target audiences. Who are your consumers? What do they enjoy doing? What does their day-to-day look like? What other brands are trying to engage these audiences and who is doing it well? What problems do your audiences have that your brand or product can fix?

From there, we create realistic campaign goals based on the targeted audiences, the scale, the duration of the campaign, budget and more. We believe in advertising goals that make sense in the big picture of a brand.

Now that we know who we’re marketing to and why, our team starts to develop content and strategize placement for the campaign. Our Milwaukee-based advertising agency has developed a reputation for creative, disruptive advertising campaigns that deliver. That reputation pushes our entire team to create powerful messages for brands all over the world that stick. And we love what we do.

Ready to launch an Awareness Campaign after all or looking for an advertising agency to advise on the next steps for your brand? We’re the team you’ve been looking for. Reach out today and let’s see what we can build together.